Target Audience: All individuals whose personal data is processed by Teknopak Plastik Industry and Trade Ltd. Co.

Prepared by: Teknopak Plastik Industry and Trade Ltd. Co. Personal Data Protection Committee

Version: 2.0

Approved by: Approved by Teknopak Plastik Industry and Trade Ltd. Co.


    • 1.1. Purpose
    • 1.2. Scope
    • 1.3. Basis
    • 1.4. Definitions
    • 2.1. Processing of Personal Data in Compliance with Legislation
    • 2.2. Conditions for Processing Personal Data
    • 2.3. Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
    • 2.4. Informing the Data Subject and Obtaining Explicit Consent
    • 2.5. Transfer of Personal Data
    • 6.1. Rights of the Data Subject
    • 6.2. Exercising the Data Subject's Rights
    • 6.3. Responding to Applications
    • 6.4. Refusal of the Data Subject’s Application
    • 6.5. Right of the Data Subject to File a Complaint with the Data Protection Board


Teknopak Plastik Industry and Trade Ltd. Co. ("TEKNOPAK") places importance on the protection of personal data in its activities and prioritizes it in its operations. The TEKNOPAK Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy ("Policy") outlines the fundamental regulations for compliance with the procedures and principles set out by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("Law") in TEKNOPAK's organizational and business processes. In line with this Policy, TEKNOPAK processes and protects personal data with high responsibility and awareness, ensuring transparency by informing personal data owners.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to align the procedures and principles stipulated by the Law and other relevant legislation with TEKNOPAK's organization and processes, ensuring their effective implementation in its activities. TEKNOPAK takes all necessary administrative and technical measures to process and protect personal data, raises awareness through this Policy, creates internal procedures, and conducts all necessary training to ensure consciousness. It also takes all necessary precautions to ensure compliance with the Law and has established effective audit mechanisms.

1.2 Scope

This Policy applies to all personal data obtained electronically or by non-electronic means, provided it is part of a data recording system, in the course of TEKNOPAK's business processes, and includes the Data Categories and Personal Data (Appendix-1) and the Personal Data Processing Purposes (Appendix-2).

1.3 Basis

This Policy is based on the Law and relevant legislation. Personal data is processed in accordance with various laws and regulations as listed, including the Law on the Establishment and Duties of the Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology, the Law on the Protection of Consumers, and various laws related to Turkish Trade Law, Social Insurance, Intellectual Property, and Employment Law. In cases of inconsistency between the applicable legislation and the Policy, the relevant legislation prevails. The regulations stipulated by the legislation are applied through TEKNOPAK practices.

1.4 Definitions

Definition Description
Recipient Group A category of real or legal persons to whom personal data is transferred by the data controller.
Explicit Consent Consent based on being informed about a specific subject and given voluntarily.
Making Anonymous Rendering personal data such that it cannot be associated with an identified or identifiable individual, even through matching with other data.
Employee Personnel of the Personal Data Protection Authority.
Electronic Environment Environments where personal data can be created, read, changed, and written by electronic devices.
Non-Electronic Environment All environments that do not fall within the definition of electronic environments, including written, printed, visual, etc.
Service Provider A real or legal person who provides services to the Personal Data Protection Authority based on a specific contract.
Data Subject A real person whose personal data is processed.
Authorized User Persons who process personal data within the data controller's organization or by authority from the data controller, excluding those responsible for technical storage, protection, and backup of data.
Destruction The deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data.
Law Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data.
Record Environment Any environment where personal data is processed, either wholly or partially by automatic means or through non-automatic means, provided that it is part of a data recording system.
Personal Data Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
Personal Data Processing Inventory An inventory created by data controllers, detailing personal data processing activities in connection with business processes, personal data processing purposes, categories of personal data, and recipient groups.
Processing of Personal Data Any operation performed on personal data, such as collection, storage, alteration, sharing, transfer, and destruction.
Board The Personal Data Protection Board.
Special Categories of Personal Data Data revealing race, ethnicity, political views, religion, and other similar sensitive information.
Periodic Destruction Recurrent deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data as per the data retention and destruction policy.
Policy The Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy.
Data Processor A real or legal person processing personal data on behalf of the data controller.
Data Recording System A system where personal data is structured according to certain criteria.
Data Controllers Registry Information System (VERBIS) An information system that allows data controllers to register with the registry and perform other related operations via the internet.
Regulation The Regulation on the Deletion, Destruction, or Anonymization of Personal Data, published in the Official Gazette on October 28, 2017.


2.1 Processing of Personal Data in Compliance with Legislation

Personal data is processed in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Processing in Accordance with the Law and the Principle of Good Faith: Personal data is processed in compliance with the law and in a fair manner, limited to what is necessary for the purposes of the business processes.
  2. Ensuring that Personal Data is Accurate and Up-to-date: Necessary precautions are taken to keep the processed personal data accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Processing for Specific, Explicit, and Legitimate Purposes: Personal data is processed for specific and legitimate purposes within the scope of the business processes.
  4. Processing in a Relevant, Limited, and Proportionate Manner: Personal data is collected to the extent necessary and processed in a limited manner according to the purposes specified.
  5. Retaining for the Necessary Period: Personal data is retained for the period required by the relevant legislation or for the purpose for which it was processed. At the end of the retention period, personal data is destroyed in accordance with the method specified (deletion, destruction, or anonymization).

2.2 Conditions for Processing Personal Data

Personal data is processed based on the explicit consent of the data subject or in one or more of the following conditions:

  1. Processing Personal Data without Explicit Consent:
    1. Explicitly Prescribed by Law: If personal data processing is explicitly regulated by law, personal data may be processed without the consent of the data subject.
    2. Inability to Obtain Consent due to Actual Impossibility: If obtaining the consent of the data subject is not possible due to physical impossibility, or if the consent is invalid, the personal data may be processed to protect the life or physical integrity of the data subject or another person.
    3. Processing Related to the Establishment or Performance of a Contract: Personal data may be processed if it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party.
    4. Fulfilling a Legal Obligation: Personal data may be processed to fulfill TEKNOPAK’s legal obligations.
    5. Personal Data Made Public by the Data Subject: Personal data made public by the data subject may be processed without the explicit consent of the data subject for the purpose of public disclosure.
    6. Processing for the Establishment, Use, or Protection of a Right: Personal data may be processed if it is necessary for the establishment, use, or protection of a right.
    7. Processing Necessary for Legitimate Interests: Personal data may be processed if it is necessary for the legitimate interests of TEKNOPAK, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not harmed.
  2. Processing of Personal Data with Explicit Consent: In cases where the above conditions are not met, personal data is processed with the explicit consent of the data subject.

2.3 Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data

TEKNOPAK processes special categories of personal data in accordance with the principles set out in the Law and Policy, taking all necessary administrative and technical measures determined by the Board and following the procedures below:

  1. Processing is explicitly prescribed by law,
  2. Processing is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of a person who cannot give consent,
  3. Processing of personal data made public by the data subject is consistent with the purpose of public disclosure,
  4. Processing is necessary for the establishment, use, or protection of a right,
  5. Processing is necessary to fulfill legal obligations in the fields of employment, occupational health and safety, social security, social services, and social assistance.

In cases where other conditions apply, “obtaining the explicit consent of the data subject” is required.

2.4 Informing the Data Subject and Obtaining Explicit Consent

TEKNOPAK informs the data subjects about the purposes for which their personal data is processed, with whom it is shared, the methods of collection, the legal reasons, and the rights they have regarding the processing of their personal data. The relevant information is provided in compliance with the law through prepared information texts (Appendix-3), such as the "Customer Information Text" (Appendix-3.1), "Supplier Information Text" (Appendix-3.2), "Employee Information Text" (Appendix-3.3), "Employee Candidate Information Text" (Appendix-3.4), "Website Cookie Information Text" (Appendix-3.5), "Camera Information Text" (Appendix-3.6), and "Card Employee Tracking Information Text" (Appendix-3.8).

The explicit consent of the data subject, including special categories of personal data, is obtained after informing the data subject through the information text.

2.5 Transfer of Personal Data

Transfer of Personal Data within the Country

TEKNOPAK transfers personal data, for the purposes of processing, to real persons, private law legal entities, private insurance companies, suppliers, authorized public institutions, and contracted service providers with whom cooperation is conducted, according to the table of "Persons to whom Personal Data is Transferred and Purposes of Transfer (Appendix-4)." Transfer is carried out in compliance with the law, for legitimate purposes, and in a limited manner.

Before transferring data, confidentiality agreements (Appendix-5) are signed to ensure data security and prevent data breaches.

Transfer of Personal Data Abroad

There is no transfer of data abroad. If data transfer abroad occurs in the future, it will be conducted in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Personal data may be transferred abroad if one of the following conditions is met, in addition to one of the conditions mentioned in sections 2.2 and 2.3:
    1. Adequacy decision exists for the country or sector in question or for international organizations.
    2. In the absence of an adequacy decision, appropriate safeguards (Binding Corporate Rules, Commitments, Standard Contract) are provided, ensuring the data subject has access to effective remedies in the country to which the data is transferred.
    3. If an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards are not provided, data transfer abroad may only be carried out if one of the following exceptions applies:
      • The data subject gives explicit consent to the transfer after being informed of potential risks.
      • Data transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between the data subject and the data controller or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.
      • Data transfer is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract in the interest of the data subject between the data controller and another real or legal person.
      • Data transfer is necessary for the public interest.
      • Data transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right.
      • Data transfer is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of a person who cannot give consent due to actual impossibility.
      • Data transfer is necessary based on access to a public register.

Personal data may be transferred abroad with the permission of the Board in cases where it is deemed that Turkey's or the data subject’s interests could be significantly harmed.


TEKNOPAK processes personal data in various business units, including management, administrative (HR and personnel), financial (accounting), production, quality, planning, sales and marketing, warehouse, purchasing, logistics, IT (outsourced) in connection with personal data subjects, including employee candidates, employees, shareholders/partners, potential customers, suppliers, supplier employees, service recipients, and visitors. Data processing activities are carried out according to data categories and processing purposes as disclosed in TEKNOPAK’s profile on https://verbis.kvkk.gov.tr.

All personal data processing activities are conducted in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Inventory (Appendix-6). Necessary information texts, consent texts, and other documents are prepared according to the Inventory. The Inventory is updated in the event of changes to personal data.


TEKNOPAK takes the necessary technical and administrative measures specified in the Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy (Appendix-7) to protect the personal data it processes in accordance with the Law. These measures include conducting audits, raising awareness, and providing necessary training to employees.

In the event that personal data is obtained by unauthorized third parties despite these measures, TEKNOPAK implements the "Personal Data Breach Response Plan" (Appendix-8).

Employees are given necessary training on personal data protection upon hiring and annually thereafter. A "Personal Data Protection Training Participation Form" (Appendix-9) is signed to confirm attendance.

TEKNOPAK creates the necessary business processes and consults experts to increase employee awareness of personal data protection. The management evaluates the results of these training sessions and updates them when necessary due to changes in legislation.

A "Employee Confidentiality Agreement" (Appendix-10) is signed with employees to ensure the confidentiality of personal data. Additionally, employees sign an "Employee Information Security Awareness Declaration" (Appendix-11) annually to remind them of key security protocols.

Annual audits are conducted using the "KVKK Audit Form" (Appendix-12), and any deficiencies identified during these audits are promptly addressed.

Security cameras are used in a way that does not infringe upon individuals' privacy and are placed only in areas necessary for achieving security objectives. No excessive monitoring takes place.


TEKNOPAK retains personal data for the period specified by relevant legislation or for the necessary duration based on the purpose of processing. If a specific retention period is not established by law, personal data is retained for the period necessary for the purpose of processing and is then destroyed using the method specified in the Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy (Appendix-7).


6.1. Rights of the Data Subject

Personal data subjects have the following rights under the Law:

  1. To learn whether their personal data is processed,
  2. To request information about the processing of their personal data,
  3. To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
  4. To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
  5. To request correction of personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate and to request that the correction be communicated to third parties to whom the personal data was transferred,
  6. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions provided by the Law and to request that this be communicated to third parties to whom the personal data was transferred,
  7. To object to the processing of personal data exclusively by automated systems if it leads to an adverse result for the individual,
  8. To request compensation if they suffer damage due to unlawful processing of personal data.

6.2. Exercising the Data Subject's Rights

Personal data subjects can submit their requests regarding their rights under article 6.1. to TEKNOPAK using the methods determined by the Board. The "Data Subject Application Form" (Appendix-13) can be used for this purpose.

6.3. Responding to Applications

TEKNOPAK responds to requests from personal data subjects in accordance with the Law and other relevant legislation. Properly submitted requests are resolved within thirty (30) days at the latest, free of charge. However, if the transaction involves additional costs, a fee may be charged according to the tariff set by the Board.

6.4. Refusal of the Data Subject’s Application

TEKNOPAK may refuse the request of the data subject for the following reasons, with an explanation:

  1. If personal data is processed for purposes such as research, planning, and statistics after being anonymized,
  2. If personal data is processed for purposes such as national defense, public safety, public order, or national economic security, provided that it does not violate private life or personality rights or constitute a crime,
  3. If personal data is processed by authorized public institutions within the scope of their preventive, protective, or intelligence-related duties,
  4. If personal data is processed by judicial authorities or execution authorities in connection with legal proceedings,
  5. If personal data is processed for crime prevention or criminal investigation,
  6. If personal data is processed from publicly available information shared by the data subject,
  7. If personal data is processed by public institutions for audit, regulatory, or disciplinary purposes as authorized by law,
  8. If personal data is processed for protecting the financial and economic interests of the state in connection with budgetary or tax matters,
  9. If the data subject's request hinders the rights and freedoms of others,
  10. If the request is excessive or requires disproportionate effort,
  11. If the information requested is publicly available.

6.5. Right of the Data Subject to File a Complaint with the Data Protection Board

If a request is rejected, the response is deemed insufficient, or there is no response within the required time, the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the Board within thirty days after receiving the response or within sixty days of submitting the request if no response is received.

6.6. Information TEKNOPAK May Request from the Data Subject

TEKNOPAK may request additional information to verify the identity of the data subject when processing the application. TEKNOPAK may also ask the data subject questions to clarify matters related to the application.


This Policy, together with its appendices, has been approved and enacted by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, along with the Personal Data Protection Committee, is responsible for executing, updating, and supervising all activities related to the Law and Policy.


This Policy takes effect as of the date of its publication. Any changes to this Policy will be published on TEKNOPAK's website (www.bergamaplastik.com) and made available to personal data subjects and relevant parties. The changes will take effect upon announcement.


  • Appendix 1- Data Categories and Personal Data
  • Appendix 2- Personal Data Processing Purposes
  • Appendix 3- Information Texts
  • Appendix 3.1- Customer Information Text
  • Appendix 3.2- Supplier Information Text
  • Appendix 3.3- Employee Information Text
  • Appendix 3.4- Employee Candidate Information Text
  • Appendix 3.5- Website Cookie Information Text
  • Appendix 3.6- Camera Information Text
  • Appendix 3.7- Transport Invoice Information Text
  • Appendix 3.8- Card Employee Tracking Information Text
  • Appendix 4- Persons to whom Personal Data is Transferred and Purposes of Transfer
  • Appendix 5- Corporate Confidentiality Agreement
  • Appendix 6- Personal Data Processing Inventory
  • Appendix 7- Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy
  • Appendix 8- Personal Data Breach Response Plan
  • Appendix 9- Personal Data Protection Training Participation Form
  • Appendix 10- Employee Confidentiality Agreement
  • Appendix 11- Employee Information Security Awareness Declaration
  • Appendix 12- KVKK Audit Form
  • Appendix 13- Data Subject Application Form
  • Appendix 14- Personal Data Protection Committee Internal Directive


APPENDIX 1 - Categorical Personal Data Processing Purposes
Protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment, and care services
Execution of Emergency Management Processes
Execution of Information Security Processes
Execution of Employee Candidate / Intern / Student Selection and Placement Processes
Execution of Employee Candidate Application Processes
Execution of Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty Processes
Fulfillment of Obligations Related to Employment and Legal Requirements for Employees
Execution of Employee Benefits and Rights Processes
Execution of Audit / Ethical Activities
Execution of Training Activities
Management of Access Rights
Ensuring Compliance with Legislation
Execution of Finance and Accounting Processes
Ensuring Physical Space Security
Execution of Assignment Processes
Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs
Execution of Internal Audit / Investigation / Intelligence Activities
Execution of Communication Activities
Planning of Human Resources Processes
Execution and Supervision of Business Activities
Execution of Occupational Health and Safety Activities
Receiving and Evaluating Suggestions for Improving Business Processes
Execution of Business Continuity Activities
Execution of Logistics Activities
Execution of Purchasing Processes
Execution of Sales Processes
Execution of Production and Operation Processes
Organization and Event Management
Execution of Performance Evaluation Processes
Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes
Execution of Risk Management Processes
Execution of Storage and Archiving Activities
Execution of Contract Processes
Tracking of Requests / Complaints
Execution of Supply Chain Management Processes
Execution of Compensation Policy Processes
Ensuring Security of Data Controller Operations
Execution of Talent / Career Development Activities
Providing Information to Authorized Individuals, Institutions, and Organizations
Execution of Management Activities


APPENDIX 2 - Data Categories and Personal Data
Data Categories Personal Data
Identity Name, Surname
Mother-Father Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
ID Card Serial Number
National ID Number
Gender Information
National ID Card
Driver's License
Contact Address
Email Address
Contact Address
Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) Address
Phone Number
Employment Payroll Information
Disciplinary Investigation
Employment Start-Exit Records
CV Information
Legal Procedure Information from correspondence with judicial authorities, information in legal case files, etc.
Customer Transaction Invoice
Promissory Note
Check Information
Entry-Exit Information
Order Information
Physical Space Security Employee and Visitor Entry-Exit Log Information
Camera Records
Transaction Security Transaction Security (IP address information, website entry-exit information, password and password information)
IP Address Information
Website Entry-Exit Information
Password and Password Information
Risk Management Information processed for the management of commercial, technical, or administrative risks
Finance Balance Sheet Information
Financial Performance Information
Credit and Risk Information
Bank Account Number
IBAN Number
Professional Experience Diploma Information
Courses Attended
In-service Training Information
Marketing Shopping History Information
Information obtained from campaign work
Visual and Audio Records Closed Circuit Camera System Image, Audio Recording
Health Information Disability Status Information
Blood Type Information
Personal Health Information
Information on Devices and Prosthetics Used
Laboratory and Imaging Results
Test Results
Examination Data
Prescription Information
Criminal Conviction and Security Measures Information on criminal convictions
Information on security measures
Family Information Number of Children
Family Card
Spouse's Work Information
Children's Education and Age Information
Employment Information Department
Work Type
Previous Company Information
Reference Information
Signature Information Wet or electronic signature, fingerprints, and special marks on personal data
Website Usage Data Frequency/Times of Login to Site
Last Login Date
IP Address
Request/Complaint Management Information Survey Data
Personal data regarding the receipt and evaluation of any requests or complaints directed at the Company.
Reputation Management Information Information and assessment reports created for the purpose of protecting the Company's commercial reputation.
Incident Management Information Personal data processed for the purpose of taking necessary legal, technical, and administrative measures to protect the commercial rights and interests of the Company and its customers.
Insurance Information Private Insurance Data
Social Security Institution Data
Vehicle Information Vehicle License Plate Data
Compliance Information Personal data processed for compliance purposes
Audit and Inspection Information Personal data processed during internal or external audit activities


APPENDIX 4 - Persons to whom Personal Data is Transferred and Purposes of Transfer

TEKNOPAK, in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, may transfer the personal data of participants, customers, and employees to the following categories of persons:

Persons to whom Data May Be Transferred Definition Purpose and Scope of Data Transfer
Real persons or private law legal entities Real or legal persons with whom business is conducted Limited to the scope of business or transaction being conducted
Legally Authorized Public Institutions and Organizations Public institutions such as the Social Security Institution, Tax Offices, etc. Limited to the purposes required by the legal authority of public institutions
Contracted service providers and business partners Entities from whom services are contracted or with whom cooperation is conducted Limited to the terms of the contract and cooperation
Suppliers Entities providing goods and services as required for commercial activities Limited to the purposes of acquiring goods and services from external sources
Private Insurance Companies Contracted Private Pension System (BES) company Limited to notifications made within the scope of BES