This disclosure statement has been prepared by Teknopak Plastic Industry and Trade Ltd. (“TEKNOPAK”), as the data controller, in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Fulfilling the Obligation to Inform, for visitors who fill out the contact form on the website (www.bergamaplastik.com).

MERSIS Number: 205007162700011 Address: Kınık OSB, Vali Kutlu Aktaş Cad. NO:3 Kınık/İZMİR
Phone: 2326313216 Email: ik@bergamaplastik.com

Personal data:

TEKNOPAK collects the following personal data from visitors: name, surname, email address, phone number, request, subject, and message.

Method of collecting personal data:

It is collected electronically through the completion of the contact form on the website.

Purpose of collecting personal data:

Personal data is processed for the purposes of conducting information security processes, communication activities, after-sales support services for products/services, sales processes of services, customer relationship management processes, activities aimed at customer satisfaction, advertising/campaign/promotion processes, contract processes, and the marketing processes of products/services.

Legal basis for processing personal data:

The personal data in question is processed under the legal basis of “necessity for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject” as per Article (5)(2)(f) of the Law.

Purposes of transferring personal data according to recipient groups:

Natural Persons or Private Legal Entities: Personal data is shared for the purposes of conducting communication activities, sales processes of goods/services, marketing processes of products/services, customer relationship management processes, handling requests/complaints, and conducting information security processes.

Requests regarding your rights, as regulated under Article 11 of the Law, can be submitted by following the procedure outlined in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller (Official Gazette: 10.03.2018/30356), detailed in Article 6 of TEKNOPAK’s “Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy” available on www.bergamaplastik.com, by using the “Application Form” available on the website and sending it via email, post, or in person to Royal Parke.

Teknopak Plastic Industry and Trade Ltd.

Declaration of Consent

I declare that I have been informed about all the matters explained above, that I have read and understood the TEKNOPAK Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, and that I am aware of my rights under Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

Data Subject Name Surname: ...............................................
Turkish ID Number: ...............................................
Date: ......../........./............
Signature: ...............................................