Application Date : .... / .... / ........

1. Identity and Contact Information of the Data Subject

Full Name :
Turkish ID / Passport / Identity Number :
Notification Address :
Mobile Phone :
Phone Number :
Fax Number :
Email Address :
Your Relationship with TEKNOPAK :
Customer   Employee   Other
Method for Notification of Response :
Mail   Email   Fax

2. Subject of the Request

You can write your request regarding personal data by using the section below, "Subject of the Request." If available, please attach relevant information and documents to the form.


I hereby declare and undertake that the information and documents I have provided in the application are accurate, that your company may request additional information and documents to finalize my application, and that I may need to pay the fee determined by the Personal Data Protection Board if the application entails a cost.

I kindly request that my application be evaluated and I be informed in line with the demands I have stated above.

*If the personal data subject is under the age of 19, the application may be made by their parents or legal guardian, or if they are under guardianship, by their guardian, or by individuals to whom the data subject has explicitly given authorization, provided that these individuals can document the situation.

Applicant Data Subject

Full Name: ...............................................
Signature: ...............................................

Application Method

1. Personal Application with a Wet Signature or via Notary Kınık OSB, Vali Kutlu Aktaş Cad. NO:3 Kınık/İZMİR The subject line of the application should include "Request for Information Under the Personal Data Protection Law."
3. Application to Our Email Address Registered in Our System ik@bergamaplastik.com The subject line of the email should include "Request for Information Under the Personal Data Protection Law."

Subject of Request

  1. I would like to know whether your company is processing personal data about me.
  2. If TEKNOPAK is processing personal data about me, I request information regarding these data processing activities.
  3. If TEKNOPAK is processing personal data about me, I would like to know the purpose of this processing and whether the data are used in accordance with this purpose.
  4. If my personal data is being transferred to third parties, either domestically or abroad, I would like to know these third parties.
  5. I believe my personal data has been processed incompletely or inaccurately and I request that these be corrected.
  6. Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the law and relevant legislation, I believe the reasons requiring the processing no longer exist, and I request the deletion or destruction of my personal data within this framework.
  7. I request that the correction of my personal data, which I believe has been processed incompletely or inaccurately, be also notified to third parties to whom the data has been transferred.
  8. Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the law and relevant legislation, I believe the reasons requiring the processing no longer exist, and I request the deletion or destruction of my personal data within this framework.
  9. I believe the data processed by TEKNOPAK has been exclusively analyzed through automated systems, and as a result of this analysis, a decision has been made to my detriment. I object to this result.
  10. I have suffered damage due to the unlawful processing of my personal data. I request compensation for this damage.

This application form has been prepared to enable the identification of your relationship with TEKNOPAK and, if applicable, to ensure a complete and accurate response to your application regarding your personal data processed by our company within the legal time frame. TEKNOPAK reserves the right to request additional documents and information (such as a copy of an ID card or driver's license) to verify your identity and authority, to prevent any legal risks that may arise from unlawful and unfair sharing of data, and to ensure the security of your personal data. If the information and documents you provide in this form are inaccurate or not up-to-date, or if an unauthorized application is made, our company shall not be held responsible for any issues that may arise from such incorrect information or unauthorized applications, or for any delays in the delivery of our responses to the contact details you have provided.

To be completed by TEKNOPAK.

Date: .... / .... / ........
Recipient's Full Name:.................................